About us

At St Francis of Assisi we take our motto seriously and use it as the foundation of all decisions and interactions. Staff model excellent manners to students and explicitly teach them because only the best is good enough.
‘Nil Satis Optimum’
The curriculum at St Francis is expertly sequenced and considered because only the best is good enough for SFA students. The staff at St Francis are the very best and are experts in their subject area because again, only the best teaching is good enough for our students. The pastoral support offered to students for their wellbeing, safeguarding, mental health and careers guidance is the most amazing you will find anywhere and that is because only the best is good enough for our children. It is our core duty to offer the very best to all students so whether there is a Special Education Need, a socioeconomic disadvantage or any barrier whatsoever, we believe it is our duty to offer the very best, the greatest knowledge and support, so that all students can fulfil their potential and change the world for the better.

We strongly believe that to be an excellent Catholic school, we must give every student an excellent Catholic education.
Grounds and facilities
Our school is blessed to be located on a wonderful estate, over 30 acres in size.
We have considerable playing fields for students to use during break and lunchtimes as well as for curriculum studies. The sports fields are used extensively during PE lessons and is where we hold our annual school sports day, which is always a wonderful day for all involved. We also have a dedicated Sports Hall, Computer suites, Technology area and Student Support wing of the school.
We are proud of the school estate and ensure it is maintained to a high standard throughout the year. Our extensive grounds have allowed us to focus even further upon the environment. Led by our school council we are planting over 1,000 saplings in 2021-22 to help create a dedicated quiet space or students and staff alike.
As well as the school grounds we are extremely proud of the services offered to students in school including Catering. Our Catering providers offer a healthy and varied diet which students have an input to through our school council. The food offer caters to the needs of all dietary requirements and incorporates key religious and cultural celebrations across the school year.