Sixth Form Admissions
Sixth Form Admissions Criteria
For students to access our Sixth Form they must achieve an Average Points Score (APS) of 4.5 or above at GCSE level in their five best subjects.
Students who achieve our minimum entrance requirements with an APS of between 4.5 and 5 in their five best subjects will be directed to study three Level 3 courses (A Level / Vocational) under the guidance of the Senior Leadership Team / Head of Sixth Form.
All other students who achieve our minimum entrance requirements with an APS of 5 or above in their five best subjects will be able to select any Level 3 courses (A Level / Vocational). Students will receive guidance from the Senior Leadership Team / Head of Sixth Form when making their choices.
Students who achieve an APS of 7.5 or above in their five best subjects will have the additional option of studying four Level 3 courses (A Level / Vocational).
Subject Specific Entry Requirements
Entrance into Sixth Form is based upon achieving an average point score of 4.5 in your best five subjects.
The majority of our Level 3 courses do have an entry requirement to establish a student’s suitability for the course. There will be a meeting with Senior Leaders who will guide and determine this to ensure that they are successful. This also includes GCSE or BTEC subjects that may have been studied at KS4.
Please click the link below for the Sixth Form Application for 2025 Entry Form