Catholic Life
Collective Worship

Collective Worship is an integral part of every day and lessons at SFA. We want students to have a genuine encounter with Christ every day and find different ways to include young people so that wherever someone is on their spiritual journey they are given the time to pray and reflect.
We give dedicated time to prayer and students lead on many activities guiding one another.
After our Mission week we have a Mission prayer and the beautiful prayer of St Francis is central to the school.
We follow the Church’s Liturgical year too as well as responding to local and international events.
Throughout the year there are opportunities for the community to come together in worship and participate in Mass and services. Students are given opportunity to participate in the preparation and leading of Mass. Special consideration will be given to key seasons of the Church’s year e.g. Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter.
Form group Masses are celebrated on a rotational basis. Leavers Masses in the summer term are a key feature of the calendar as we give thanks to God for the journey that our students have undertaken and wish them well in their next step. Year group Masses are celebrated on a rotational basis and for every year group. Leavers Masses in the summer term are a key feature of the calendar as we give thanks to God for the journey that our pupils have undertaken and wish them well in their next steps.
Other liturgies – Prayer workshops, prayer sessions, sacred space reflections in form time and